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Brainbox receives funding for legal research into content regulation and disinformation

We’re pleased to announce that the Borrin Foundation and InternetNZ are funding a new Brainbox research project into legal frameworks for regulating disinformation and other content.

This research comes at a critical time, during which many jurisdictions around the world – including New Zealand – are considering a range of regulatory responses to address the harms caused by online disinformation. But while there is considerable urgency around the issue of disinformation, it is still poorly understood. This combination of urgency and lack of full understanding poses a risk both to the success of the response and the integrity of the legal regimes surrounding free expression in New Zealand.

With the support of the Borrin Foundation and InternetNZ, this project will provide concrete answers to legal questions, clarity on technical considerations, and a usable framework for balancing the many rights, responsibilities, and risks inherent in this area.

Brainbox will seek to ensure that government and civil society responses to disinformation are both better informed and grounded in a strong legal and human rights framework, and that forthcoming regulation of the way New Zealanders communicate works in favour of citizens and communities.

You can find out more about the project here or read our position paper, which outlines the approach we’re taking to this research project in more detail.


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